I should have known better than to post an article about how much school projects suck. Guess what my daughter had to do last night?? Make not one, but two, cookies in the shape of Africa, with frosting rivers and Hershey Kissable mountains. And I got to buy all of the stuff and help make them, yippee! And not only that, but because they are so big and fragile, she can't take them on the school bus, so I get to give her a ride to school this morning! I'm so freakin' lucky! Pinch me!
And after we got them all made and assembled, she told me they were "just" for extra credit...this from a kid who has something like a 98 average in every class. That's my girl.
You are a saint.
I have to admit my husband helped a bunch, too...I would have never caved and bought the fancy candy letters or taken her up to Domino's to get pizza boxes to put them in...
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