Friday, March 02, 2007

When Ads Go Bad

Sometimes contextual ads make no sense. Often, they're downright scary. WTF is a "cancer ringtone," and why would anyone want one? or why would one want to "buy cancer on ebay"?


Jarrett said...

We I see totally pointless ads like that, I always am sure to click through on them. They don't cost the advertise a penny until you click on them so the best way to get back at them is to click through and promptly ignore their page :)

Bill Graber said...

Something I've noticed it my ads are somehow following my blog topics... the outer day I blogged on how to TP a house and for a week I had ads for toilet paper, toilet paper roller etc etc...

Anonymous said...

Our UFO has landed quietly last night in a densely populated coordinate at a region humans refer to as "Germany." This particular congregation was generating so much noise we were compelled to study the anomaly.

As we approached the boiling source of haphazard frequencies, our superb training took over. We were well-trained to investigate any unusual source and level of human commotion and report immediately back to our ZX-879 headquarters. Turning on our invisibility shield helped us get really close to the subject of examination without being detected.

As we reached the egg shaped concrete container filled with 100,000 or so human subjects, the noise level rose to such unimaginable heights that we had to shut down our frequency analyzers for fear of damaging their sensitive circuitry.

When we cleared the top of the concrete structure we were blinded with thousands of light-emitting radiation sources.

Then we saw them -- 22 voluntary humans darting back and forth in alternating sequences of random and seemingly-goal-oriented sprints. We have checked our central computer to decipher the modal characteristic of such kinetic outbursts and we were advised to locate the focal source of coordinated agitation.

Lisa said...

Um, okay then.