Thursday, January 11, 2007

Why I Want a Pink Nintendo DS Lite!

  1. It's almost as cool as an iPhone. Almost.
  2. It's pink, so my two boys will probably not steal it from me. Or at least not take it out of the house.
  3. It's pink, so my daughter can play with it, but she takes better care of my stuff than the boys do.
  4. It's pink, so my husband probably won't touch it, therefore it won't get lost.
  5. It matches my blog.
  6. It comes with Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day, which jeebus knows I definitely need.
  7. I could finally play Nintendogs :) I want a Westie.
  8. I would be the coolest mom at soccer practice! (okay, maybe I already am, but it couldn't hurt.)
  9. Crazy Hip Blog Mamas is giving one away, and I want to win it. Please?

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